Friday, February 18, 2011

TDCJ Employing Immigrant Workers as Officers - will TDCJ eliminate this practice in the wake of upcoming layoffs ?


  1. What do you think ? Should they be the first to go if it comes down to lay offs ?

  2. you damn right !!!!

  3. I have worked with Nigerian officers for years and I must say their dedication to following the policy is to be admired, however when it comes to enforcing policy mixed with common sense, they are incapable of it. I have had to talk my way out of a jam on numerous occasions due to their inability to completely speak and or understand the English language. It is my opinion that someone is going to get hurt really bad.

  4. I will disagree with you. I retired after 30 years inside the fence and they worked well. They are extremely helpful when you would have a convict from Africa who could not speak english as an interpenter. These convicts get caught on boat load of dope and none of us East Texas guys could understand them.

  5. certainly they should be laid off first, tax paying,voting citizens should remain.

  6. Unfortunately, I did not have any Nigerian Officers in my in-service classes. When they were in my pre-service class I let them copy my answers during testing. Unlike, the typical upper-lower class American Officer, Nigerian officers consistently appear very capable and back up their fellow officers without regard for their birth places.

  7. blomejj is that you

  8. I don't think anyone knows who is going to get laid off first. All I know is everyone is getting crazy over this, stressed out, and blood pressers are going up. From what i understand is that adminastration is going to be looking at the people that are calling in way too much, how much time people are burning each month. What I was told is if your going to call in; make sure up have at least 56 hours in your sick time slot. If yoour going to call in ( and this a must) you need to talk to your Lt, that is on your shift, then call your unit. This is called (C Y A). At the same time write down who you talked to what time and date..

  9. Basicly just keep your time on the books the more you have the less likely they're going to look at you.

  10. I don’t think we’ll see any layoffs since we always have officers leaving the system. If the immigrants want to work let them have at it, although they should be able to speak good English !! I hate to be in need of assistance especially when some of the Vietnamese officers are working with me

  11. So what your saying is to just to lay down and let them just take over our jobs? I know you don't mean that do you? In this day and age; it is every man for him or herself, and I don't know about you; but there isn't anyone else going to be paying my bills for me. If thats what you want; knock your socks off, I know damn well I'm not going to be paying your bills. Tell you what; if thats the true way that you feel then maybe you shouldn't be working there to begin with.

  12. What goes around comes around. The world has become such a global village that you see people from everywhere (in) everywhere. Don't wish anybody bad because you might be the first in line to get the bad. Lets keep hopping and praying for better future for everybody. But can TDC have enough employees to begin to lay people off? What's your thought?

  13. If they are legal immigrants, then it doesnt matter. They did the paperwork and went through the process of immigrating to the U.S.A. and they should be able to work for thier familys too.

  14. 30. boy is that low we have more than that on our unit alone. And inservice is full every year of nigerians. Some are good some just cant do the job. but isnt that same as us.

  15. I was reading the comments until I realized they were all anonymous.

    If your to scared to tell me your name, shut up and sit down. No one cares what you say.

    Tim Holcomb

  16. Well I will say that I have worked with some and I have found one out of many that will do his job the others that I have worked with go to sleep and leave you locked in the pods. And then I have worked with one that refuses to count and she just gets away with it. I think they should get layed off first. I was born and raised here and worked for the prision system for almost ten years in different postions and they walk out of academy with CO III pay. And I had to start off as a CO I. And I am not scared.
    Ginger Barker

  17. Why do they get to start off at coIII ?
