Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Fallout from the Backgate's breaking of the Michelle Lyons story, and ongoing Legislative contacts has staffers facing retaliation and harassment on the job

By Duane Stuart, Backgate Website

A few weeks back, the Backgate Website broke the now infamous story of how TDCJ brass harassed and eventually forced former TDCJ PIO Michelle Lyons out the door. Since then, the TDCJ brass has made every effort to single out TDCJ employed website staffers working here with our site. In at least two cases, TDCJ has the names, work locations and other information on staffers and has already illegally harassed and retaliated against those employees on the job. An act that is in obvious violation of policy, and the law. One staffer was involved in whistle blowing corruption charges involving TDCJ admin to OIG some years back and is facing the same harassment and retaliation as the first staffer.

TDCJ has proven to be vindictive and paranoid and has stepped on their own tails in these cases. A well known attorney in the Houston area has been contacted regarding these charges and a possible suit is in the making. TDCJ has always felt it to be easier to write a taxpayer pay out check to employees after violating their rights and has not thought about any consequences in doing so. It's our contention that this time may play out a little differently. State Legislators and the general media will ensure that the taxpayers are aware of how their tax dollars are being spent, and why. We think it's about time that TDCJ be held accountable to the people of Texas, and as any other state agency, face the consequences of their administrative actions against their employees. TDCJ will be lucky to get out of the Michelle Lyons fiasco with money left to pay to keep the prisons open. Come on TDCJ, catch up to the 21st century and be somewhat transparent.


  1. Well I hope that they are accountable for there actions, but I am not gonna hold my breath they seem to get away with everything they do.

  2. I doubt seriously anyone will "do the right thing", I have my reasons,
    This agency preys on it's loyal employees and just keeps expecting them to take one more for the team. I have realized there no longer is a team.

    1. I couldn't have put it better myself. Instead of a mission statement of protecting the Pull our finger, one more time.

    2. Vindictive and Paranoid perfect words.
