Thursday, March 28, 2013

Report of Mexican Mafia threat against Whitmire a hoax

By Michael Williams, Backgate Website

A report that surfaced last week that indicated that TDCJ based Mexican Mafia gang members had put out a hit on Senate Criminal Justice chair John Whitmire are now said to be false. The information that filtered up through TDCJ Office of Inspector General investigators was eventually discredited after the offender informant who passed along the information recanted. Investigators gave the all clear after the OIG informant was found to have concocted the story on his own as he attempted to recruit someone himself to carry out the hit. He would then turn on those inmates over to the OIG before they could strike in hopes of receiving  reward money or leniency on his sentence. No one was ever recruited, and Senator Whitmire was said to have never been in any danger. It's not clear if the offender in question even has ties to the gang at this point.


  1. From the Desk of BoBoTheBeaten:

    The greatest hoax is that this guy calls himself a senator.

  2. I quit TDCJ yet it appears that they screen my call for no reason. It appears they're continuing their old trick of blacmail, harrasment and intimidation. They try to scare people away from you and try to make you look bad in region 3 area, buying people against someone they dnt like.
