Friday, March 22, 2013

Terminated white TDCJ Parole Officer sues based on discrimination

By Doug Glass, Backgate Website

Ellen Mae Burton of Galveston, who was terminated by the agency in March of 2012, recently filed suit against TDCJ stating that she was constructively terminated based upon her race, which is white. Burton Began working for the agency in 2004 and worked as a specialized officer overseeing sex offender cases. Burton came under fire from the TDCJ when she allowed a parolee to sign temporary custody of her child to a foster mother who had previously cared for the child. TDCJ claimed she interviewed the child, a minor, without representation. She denied wrongdoing and said she was acting in the best interest of the child.

Burton claims that black employees in the office regularly violated policy and were never disciplined in any way by there supervisor, who is black. Burton claims that other employees falsified time records, travel records  and other documents and were not held accountable. In the lawsuit, it also states that the assistant regional director (parole) increased her case load, but did not give additional cases to her black co-worker and said an award she received for "Officer of the Year" was destroyed and given to another officer. Burton claims that she was often given extra duties to perform, which were not asked of her black co-workers.

In her suit Burton asks for $250,000 in damages.

The Backgate is in touch with Ms. Burton and will keep you updated on the progress of her case and any information surrounding it. 


  1. She will need luck on her side if she is going to win. Judges, juries, state and federal EEO investigators, and many in the public at large are simply not willing to accept the idea that white people can be victims of workplace discrimination. Can't say I blame them. I didn't really buy into "reverse discrimination" myself until I went to work for TDCJ.

  2. From the Desk of BoBoTheBeaten:

    I don't buy into reverse discrimination either. Discrimination is discrimination regardless of your color. People hear the term "reverse discrimination" and then automatically believe it's okay because minorities are only making up for 250 years of wrong. For some reason minorities believe that people born past the slavery years deserve what they get today. Today, I am the slave. I'm forced to work and pay for social programs for which I will receive little to no benefits. I have been forced to watch illiterate minorities get promoted beyond their level of competency just to make up for the past. I have seen minorities get into colleges just because of their race. I have seen them come out of college and still can't use proper grammar, spell or construct a proper sentence. There was a time when only the best and the brightest came out of universities because only the best and brightest got into them. The best and the brightest don’t climb to the top of corporate ladders anymore because of racial quotas placed on them. I think whatever debt they think I owed them has become even. And don’t get yourselves all excited over this post. I am not speaking about all minorities. Political correctness has taken a great toll on this country and enough is enough.

  3. Bobo are you also a grand dragon? TDCJ should get rid of ignorant people like Bobo.

    1. From the Desk of BoBoTheBeaten:

      Ummmmm no and why would you think that? Could be there was a time when all you had to do was accuse someone of being a racist and that was enough? Times are beginning to change and it takes more than that now. I also don't buy into "white guilt." The time has come for everyone to prove their worth and their worth is not based purely on their race. Now it's time to put up or shut up. I don't believe anyone should be discriminated against by any race and that is not just exclusive to the White race.

    2. Time to wake up John Q PublicApril 15, 2013 at 1:34 AM

      Bobo u have more supporters than u know. I feel the inclination that one must b PC has allowed the less qualified to move upward simply because others feared being labeled a racist. When did an educated opinion become so threatening? And the Grand Dragon comment??? Really??

  4. I also have seen the discrimination within TDCJ. The same office in Webster had another black officer accused of not doing her job and never even had to go to a hearing. TDCJ does discriminate against white. I have seen it myself on more than one occasion.

    1. There are a heck of a lot more blacks being discriminated against than whites. Whites can give half production into a job and be given high praises. A black man can give full production and still be labeled as ignorant and dimwitted. An intelligent blackman is typically downplayed and despised. Two people doing the same job with the same amount of production can be viewed differently based on racism. Which by the way is an animalistic territorial mental disorder

  5. they are scared of govenmental politics.our government is in place and i mean texas gvernment as well as national because of promises made to so called 2010 based on census reports whites were the minority in the state of texas but because we are white we will never be legally allowed to use the rights so freely given to other races.its not white guilt its who votes and whoes id's aren't checked at the poles.put an uneducated person in charge and he will always make uneducated decisions.since we will be getting rid of turn coat perry and change for the worst obama this time around listen to the candidates and vote for the next generation but i guarantee we will still be in it up to our necks.hopefully we wont still be standing on our heads in not a racest just a realist.

  6. There are a heck of a lot more blacks being discriminated against than whites. Whites can give half production into a job and be given high praises. A black man can give full production and still be labeled as ignorant and dimwitted. An intelligent blackman is typically downplayed and despised. Two people doing the same job with the same amount of production can be viewed differently based on racism. Which by the way is an animalistic territorial mental disorder.

  7. My claim on the basis of discrimination was dismissed with prejudice, and the retaliation claim was dismissed with prejudice. I am appealing but I doubt if my case will ever go to court. Thank you each and everyone for your support. I am only sorry I may never be able to clear my name. Ellen M. Burton
