Friday, April 29, 2011
Over 14,000 strong, TDCJ's Tango Blast gang still creating major issues inside the walls.
By Doug Glass, Backgate Website
Texas prison officials first noted the presence of a gang known as the Four Horseman in 1998. Some Hispanic gang members entering the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) from the cities of Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth and Houston were not interested in joining an established prison gang and established the Four Horseman to protect one another and to engage in illegal activities, particularly drug-trafficking, to make money. The Four Horseman became known as the Tangos, because its members wore tattoos that reflected the town (or tango) in which they resided prior to their incarceration. As interest in the Tangos grew among Hispanic gang members entering the TDCJ from other areas of Texas, only inmates from West Texas, the Rio Grande Valley, San Antonio and El Paso were allowed into the gang.
Of the eight groups now recognized as Tangos, six are part of what is now known as Tango Blast or Puro Tango Blast. Tango Blast includes Tangos from the four original cities as well as the West Texas and Rio Grande Valley areas. Tango Blast differs from the Tangos in that separate Tango Blast members sometimes band together to help one another. The rapid growth of the Tango Blast poses a significant new security threat within the TDCJ and elements of the Tango Blast appear to be challenging the Texas Syndicate for control of illegal prison activities. Upon release from prison, Tango members appear to return to their local street gangs, rather than continue their prison-based gang affiliations.
In 1998, the Tango Blast prison gang is formed in the Clemens state prison in Brazoria, Texas. (Gang Intelligence 101)
In 2001, both the Tango Blast and Barrio Azteca engage in a gang fight in a gymnasium at the Torres state prison in Hondo, Texas. Both gangs settle a truce soon after. (Associated Press)
On January of 2002, members of the Barrio Azteca brutally stab a Tango Blast member while the victim is using the restroom at the Robertson state prison in Abilene, Texas. A gang war between the two gangs erupts state wide soon after. (Associated Press)
On June 2002, the Tango Blast retaliates against the Barrio Azteca by severely beating 4 of its members in the John B. Connally state prison in Kenedy, Texas. (Gang Intelligence 101)
In mid 2002, the Texas Syndicate declares war on the Tango Blast prison gang. (Gang Intelligence 101)
In April 2002, members of the Texas Syndicate murder a Tango Blast member at the J.B. Connally state prison. (Gang Intelligence 101)
On August 7, 2005, Tango Blast member Rolando Vasquez murders Juan Rodriguez, a member of the Varrio Northside street gang in Houston, Texas. (Vasquez v. State, No. 2-06-409-CR (Tex. App. 9/4/2008)
On August 31, 2006, several Tango Blast members are arrested for drug distribution and trafficking in Dallas, Texas. (Aguilar v. State, No. 05-07-00660-CR (Tex. App. 8/18/2008)
In October 2007, Tango Blast member William Linzer kidnaps and rapes a teenage girl in Houston. (Associated Press)
On May 2007, Tango Blast member Jesus Elizondo, 22, shoots and kills a 15-year-old boy in Dallas. (Associated Press)
In June 2008, The Tango Blast prison gang attack Texas Chicano Brotherhood members in the J.B. Connally state prison. (Gang Intelligence 101)
On November 16, 2008, Tango Blast members murder Alejandro Vasquez in a nightclub in downtown Dallas. (Associated Press)
On December 2008, ten members of the West Texas Tango gang are arrested in a major cocaine and meth trafficking ring. (U.S. Department of Justice Press Release)
In 2009, four members of the Tango Blast gang are arrested by FBI officials in Houston for possession of more than five kilos of cocaine. Agents seized fire arms, high end cars and jewelry. (Associated Press)
With law enforcement all over Texas comparing notes on the group, hundreds of arrests are being made from everything from armed robbery, to murder by Tango members. The group lures in new members by offering protection and unity. Although members claim not to follow the same principles of other prison gangs, they sometimes do. They routinely "cora check" or "beat in" potential gang members, and many face the same repercussions if they leave the group. They originated in the late 1990's as a group to protect themselves against other gangs, but have evolved into a prison based criminal enterprise. Trafficking drugs, tobacco, cell phones and extortion have elevated the Tangos past the level of most established Texas prison gangs.
Tango members are violent towards other offenders and staff members alike, being responsible for the majority of offender and staff assaults on many prison units. The group has grown significantly over the last couple of years and there true numbers within the Texas prison system can really only be estimated based on self admission by the offender, or through security threat group investigation.No matter what their official numbers, they will surely be a thorn in the side of the TDCJ for years to come.
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The "Mexican Problem" in our prisons is just a reflection of what's happening in society in general. Until we get serious about deportation and illegal immigration prevention, this will continue to worsen. Our state is being overrun by the refugees of a failed state. They can't or won't fix it and they've come here to destroy us too.
ReplyDeleteTango Blast are hispanic offenders born in the united states not mexican born. They are not an outside problem but rather a home grown threat. In fact some are not hispancs at all but Anglos who have lived in hispanic areas who identify more with the hispance culture then the anglo culture.
DeleteYou're an absolute liar... Most of the TANGOs at my unit are, in fact, foreign born. Stop playing apologist for the illegals.
DeleteYou all better wake up to the fact that a bunch of American born mexicans are turning into gang members, and a s#%t load of them are serving approx. 4 years in our military to learn how to be organized and many other reasons. Looks like a whole lot of you talk smack becasue you can remain anonymous. Everyone of you need to stick together and man up. Help fight this problem. Jay Jefferson, Dallas, Texas
DeleteI know one way to fix this problem, start placing a 97% tax on Western Union transactions to Mexico. Start treating them here, the way we'd be treated in Mexico. That means, oh you don't have a drivers license, we're going to toss you in a nasty jail and extort your family for thousands. I don't know about where you live, but in Dallas, everytime someone brings up Illegal Mexicans, all these stupid white people have to say: "Oh they're so honest and hard working" and "They come here seeking a better way of life". They need to seek it in Mexico. If they want a better life here, they need to start paying their honest share of income tax. The only tax they pay now is whatever sales tax they pay when they buy what ever they buy. Gang activity should carry an automatic death sentance. If you got the tat's, you dies like the rats!! Look at the crime stats of all small towns before the ILLEGAL INVASION, VS What the stats are after their arrival. Pretty sad. Where I work, they commit some of the most brutal crimes agiants others you'd ever want to see. Wake up everyone, they way to get awareness is to talk to people about this problem. Instead of sitting at the bar talking about sports with the guy next to you, bring up all of the issues with this ILLEGAL INVASION. Also folks, especially you White Peoples. They are out producing you where birth rates are concened. You may not see this as a problem now, but when you are out-numbered in 21 years, you'll remember back when you should have been more active in stopping this ILLEGAL INVASION. Trust me, the white man has given the mexicans and all other minorities their fare shake, but when you need them in 21 years for you or your childrens fair shake, good luck whitey!! Don't take this as a racist rant, take this as a reality rant. A reality you are not going to like in approx. 21 years
Deleteeverybody talks about how things should be and how they think they can make a difference..But in reality I bet NOT one of you have made an effort to make a difference but write senseless bullshit on sites like this one..God forbid that you step foot in one of those cells,because thats when you will wish one of those Tango"s would stick up for your man hood..Yeah the problem is in society..I lived 21 years in Dallas..and all the crime is a product of its own environment..Police out there like gang unit are some dirty basturds..White folks wanna downgrade a mexican,by calling him illegal and invading spaces..Who gave you the right to run off Families that were established way before your time..This is the best that could of happened in TDCJ..Tango" least they don"t Rape or Demand to kill.
DeleteWell ive been to prison and im a proud mexican who fucks white bitches and fucked many punk ass white boys . I think the truth here is that you punk ass white boys dont run shit in Texas Prisons and so your mad at all Mexicans.If you wouldna been out thier stealing old womens purses you would never had stepped inside a prison . But since you didnt and now ur all punked out ,now your mad !!!
DeleteDumdass so who stays with all the money of all the income tax from them fake social security # that go on claim year after year you get yours every year right I've live here in this country for more than 20years ain't got one tax return so here's my money it goes to your welfare system so who don't contributes,.. Don't speak or comment if you don't know you dumd ass and I ain't anonymous
DeleteThis blog was not about a "MEXICAN PROBLEM" stop blaming Mexicans, blacks for the crime in America as iam sure that you are aware that there is also white gangs that engage in the same senseless gang violence and crime witch is what this blog was about
DeleteMy name"s Victoriano Vasquez (El Guero), this is an out dated comment but should get a little more attention; There is no Mexican Problem, the problem lies in communications. There has always been a communication Wall that has kept us all fromm moving past ignorance, (the lack of knowledge). It has crippled this State and economy for over a hundred years. Give a little attention to true fact and not "mosca" generated truth, (like an annoying fly in one's ear) anyone could see integral hard working and even strict, when it comes to following the rules trustworthy awsome people. It can not be denied. Seek out the truth, learn spanish, which is Texas' other native language. God bless, Felize ACora..........
DeleteThe same with my unit. Take your BS and shove it....
ReplyDeleteSounds like a bunch of wetback pu@#$es to me.
ReplyDeleteExactly why u replied anonymous you fuckin pussy
DeleteYou momma is the wetback pussy
Delete2 many racist and this dumb white trash don't even realize it's a American made problem 2 conquer problems u idiots TangoBlast run it and they hate it let's go hit them kkks now let's take them all out we Mexican Americans u idiots...
DeleteTrue and well said. Mexico is not even aware of what racism means in any language. Ask around and you'll find that racism is an American word.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteEven if the U.S. did get serious about immigration, it would do little to solve this tango gang problem. The vast majority of its members are, in fact, american-born. In the prison system of Texas, most foreign born hispanics sway towards other gangs formed particularly for the influx of criminal immigrants who have huge cultural issues with hispanics born here, like differences in spanish, sports and music preferences... just to name a few.
ReplyDeleteYou will encounter a few foreign born tango members, but not much.
Also, there is not a single stronghold of the gang in central or southern latin countries.
Those comments in response the 2nd from top is an absolute proclamation for the distaste of hispanics, period.
Just to dumb it down to the level of ignorance posted by the folks calling the guy an absolute liar, mentioning 'wetback', and playing
apologist, your clearly angry at mexicans in general probably because they had you like b!#%*es in the unit you were in...Don't lie now!
Furthermore, your perception of that race is distorted being that you developed your hatred for them in such a despicable environment as prisin, that you fail to realize the majority if immigrants actual create great economic impact for this country, because of their very respectable outlook of a decent living.
You guys could care less about illegal immigration... and typical to address this issue in such a sloppy, non-progressive fashion.
Whatever Jose.
DeleteI know one way to fix this problem, start placing a 97% tax on Western Union transactions to Mexico. Start treating them here, the way we'd be treated in Mexico. That means, oh you don't have a drivers license, we're going to toss you in a nasty jail and extort your family for thousands. I don't know about where you live, but in Dallas, everytime someone brings up Illegal Mexicans, all these stupid white people have to say: "Oh they're so honest and hard working" and "They come here seeking a better way of life". They need to seek it in Mexico. If they want a better life here, they need to start paying their honest share of income tax. The only tax they pay now is whatever sales tax they pay when they buy what ever they buy. Gang activity should carry an automatic death sentance. If you got the tat's, you dies like the rats!! Look at the crime stats of all small towns before the ILLEGAL INVASION, VS What the stats are after their arrival. Pretty sad. Where I work, they commit some of the most brutal crimes agiants others you'd ever want to see. Wake up everyone, they way to get awareness is to talk to people about this problem. Instead of sitting at the bar talking about sports with the guy next to you, bring up all of the issues with this ILLEGAL INVASION. Also folks, especially you White Peoples. They are out producing you where birth rates are concened. You may not see this as a problem now, but when you are out-numbered in 21 years, you'll remember back when you should have been more active in stopping this ILLEGAL INVASION. Trust me, the white man has given the mexicans and all other minorities their fair shake, but when you need them in 21 years for you or your childrens fair shake, good luck whitey!! Don't take this as a racist rant, take this as a reality rant. A reality you are not going to like in approx. 21 years
DeleteSAD either you guys talking trash , are C/O's or ex inmates .Either way you should be ashamed at your selves The problem is NOT ONE Race!
Deleteits people with No Morals. There is Trash in Every Race. We have enough Laws to Deal with all The Crime, but we have become to WEAK & Liberal to enforce them. We as a country are in a terrible downward spirial. Think about your kids and your kids ,kids the world is only getting worse.
Tdc officials only know what snitches tell them n even x members that r trying to run from their gangs.
DeleteYou need to keep tango out of yalls mouth unless y'all are homeboyz because everybody on these comments are wrong just chale on tha bullshit unless y'all up for the cora. Homeboys are watchin this. trucha
DeletePuro tango mexicles ESE es el tango de mexico
DeleteI couldn't have said it better myself!
ReplyDeleteYa are some racest people. If u r from Mexico u r Mexico tango not tango blast. U have to be from Texas.and for the person talking down on Mexicans u were a hoe in prison. I did 10 flat n I can tell.
ReplyDeleteThat's right thank you
DeleteGive it some thought, the issues in prison are prison issues. All be it hard to endure, life is tough out here also. Now with a glance back at a 10 year leave from my family and facing some hard times I do remember Mexican an other Latino nationals just doing their time and getting by. Infact I dint think they ever get in to much trouble unless provoked, kinda like out here,........hhhhmmnnnn, sound familiar?
DeleteThese motherfucker talking shit like yah from here u aint inginist mf see the way i menber at one point ma family live in mexico n we came over here for a better future u come out n call us wetbacks but at one point ur bitchass was sitting in ur good lil home n said fuck the queen i dont like it here soo u jumped on the fucking boat u all came in n called it home next time u locked up pick up a book n do something good for urself cause i crossed a river u crossed the atlatic wtf those that make u??!
ReplyDeletePtb was created to keep people from being taking advantage of. Because believe it or not before the blast, illegals and american born mexicans were being (for a lack of a better word) bullied by prison gangs because they were alone fighting against 10-15 people. So when we came along we made sure you can come to prison, be safe, do ur time, and get back to ur family. That's what the blast is about. Anyone who does anything different than that, is not Real blast. I can't let A few fake people claiming to be a part of ptb, tarnish what we really are. Oh and btw. The guy who raped someone in houstone, WAS NOT BLASTIN! we don't pick up trash, especially rapists.
ReplyDeleteWe're here to stay
ReplyDeleteThe Blast is simply poorly represented by young members who DO NOT follow the original intent of the organization or who are simply misinformed. The Blast was always meant to be a PRISON gang. Not a street gang. Lots of young kids claim to be Tango Blast without even being in prison or knowing what PTB is truly about. 214 baby
ReplyDeleteLook from my 10 years experience TANGO OREJON and TANGO BLAST are in the street tagging claiming hoods getting tattoos and recruiting fighting and putting in work if u reply I'll elaborate more 210 TANGO OREJON SAN ANTO LA OREJA 15 SIEMPRE ARRIBA NUNCA ABAJO II X
DeleteGod is the answer.
ReplyDeleteTango Blast has been becoming a joke since all these young cats been going in they took the real meaning n just fucjed it all up net banging ps3 banging really I had a supposedly tango blast gang member try to punk on a little 10 yr boy he was on his 20s like really does that make u a man. The kid dud nothing to him he just wanted to act tough... tango flats. Any real tango flat members start picking fight on people who provoke u not little kids... and start pointing out the little mouth runners that talk shit just cuz they feel in power. .. just like the real OG gangs slap the young ones qhen they get outta line... SMH
ReplyDeleteI'm a former PTB. When I got locked up the houstones took care of me and I'm grateful to them all. So if people want to talk bad about me or my fellow brothers/sister's, then we will have a problem on our hand! We are not all ruthless and bad like what some fellow members do in the day to day basis. Some of us believe in keeping the peace. but make no mistake about it we don't play games.
ReplyDeletefuck texas puro sur califas
ReplyDeleteFuck u pussies from califas it's purpose tangolismo puto if u ain't blastin u ain't lastin Bigloz 512 La Capirucha
DeleteLook homes don't say if you ain't blasting you ain't lasting because look I did 7yrs flat didn't blast one day and I lasted and I'm from atx.. So that if you ain't. Blasting you ain't lasting its a lie guys you could go to prison and be SOLO
DeleteLook homes don't say if you ain't blasting you ain't lasting because look I did 7yrs flat didn't blast one day and I lasted and I'm from atx.. So that if you ain't. Blasting you ain't lasting its a lie guys you could go to prison and be SOLO
Deletefuck texas puro sur califas
ReplyDeleteFuck sur califas puro tango blast if u ain't blasting u ain't lasting from urs truly Kingz tango hasta la muerte
ReplyDeleteI agree with the homito we don't pick up trash we unite and stall tall against anyone that thinks were less than what we claim to be! Ptb 713 for life.always walk with our heads up
ReplyDeleteFuck yall child molesterz yall sum race trading set tripn mudafukaz REAL TALK only reason yall bitchz are deep iz TDC Segragatez all the other famas fuk all you tango blastetz yallz mamz a hoe PURO TEJANO STYLE
ReplyDeleteBitch u a hoe 16.20.02 fuck ts .. yall the real pussys
DeleteLol sum1,got booty hurt Bitch put a address on it u alrdy kno we run shit our here hijos de la verrrrgaaa
DeleteWhy don't you put an address on it pussy
DeleteAll i got to say is TEXAS SYNDICATE.. Now you blasterz EXCUSE MY BACK BITCHES
ReplyDeletefuck the texas syndicate thats why yall bitches dont walk no where in the feds all in seg like pussies and the blast out there repping tango blast haha yall the bitches u dumb hoes .. 713 all the way
ReplyDeleteSuka dik bitch you n yo hos chango fags
Deletetango blast se la maman a los surenos y la eme de califas in the feds pinches vendidos panochotes
Deletefuck tango blast
ReplyDeleteNaw fuck wit us... bitchass hoe.. DTown blastin..
DeleteFuck Yall Hoe Ass pussy..Bitches we air yall out on any unit or any bar...Puro Tanto Blast
DeleteLol Chango Faggsters yall bichz cldnt stand with any fama yal sum sex offernderz half breed clamin Bitchz ya take anbdy and we take yalz bitchz lol CUERNO hijo de la vergaz lol fuk a chango fag
Deletefuck with us u fucken punk faggot HTB 16*20*2
DeleteI belive alot of non violate offenders r placed in violate units n have no chocie but to be come wats around dem..a convict in every blastin a non violate offender..didnt catch no charges on d rancho...i just feel alot of yall hating cause we deep as fuk do wat the fuk we want when we want ...n yall hoes gotta ask us to breathe....js..if i go back its back to blastin ...u a criminal u live that life pay that price ..aint no free rides...713 houstone ****
ReplyDeleteTexas Chicano Brotherhood all day every day k viva la fama I don't rep a fukn city or a pussy area code I repp the map
ReplyDeletefuck TCB ya hoes aint shit in TDC, u say that here but say that when u in the rancho. HTB all day look for me ig astro_ocho713
DeleteWell... tango is a good thing. Im white and an x-con,and i say lets pour some cement into that rio grande river! And become one more nation under god...PURO TANGO BLAST POR VIDA! (BUT I STILL LOVE ME SOME BIG BLACK COCK)
ReplyDeleteFucking Dick sucker shut your mouth
ReplyDeleteI did 15 years in tdc, it seems the facts are really very off here, I mean yes tango stuck together against prison families so the numbers of them wouldn't intimidate or hog homies from the cities and west tx, now tango members are not from mexico, mostly Chicano (Mexican Americans), safe prison act was a way to confirm and get prison families out of population,23hr lock downs all over the state of tx, since tango was not a actual prison gang i they remained in general population and used their numbers to take over control of drugs, phones, anything else inside prison walls because the government knew they'd never be able to empliment safe prison act with all the prison families to kill and evoke fear, see them snitches knew they would be killed, well now its a free for all I-60s are now prisoners way of telling everything they see, so tango blasters yes they will do some crazy shit from time to time, but they've never been known ass killers, they fight and will use shanks against other prison families, but people if you check tdcj now a days the families are rotting away in ad-seg, from the writings ive read here alot of y'all dont have a clue, tango blasters picked up the torch the families had in place, with most of their numbers out the way tango became simular to what they despised, although they work off of majority vote, when they get out no strings attached
ReplyDelete361 homie from the cranlde to the grave no anonymous here
DeleteFuk tango blast. Yall were never a gang or a fama. Tango was ment for protection from the real gangsters I'm prison. Yall stuck together to stay alive n there. But yall cum out now there's no where to hide cuz yall hoez r dyin out here. Lol. Puro Tejano Style niggaz!
ReplyDeleteGangs are punks
DeleteIf you gotta have a gang to protect ur sorry asses i feel sad 4YOU. YOU WERE BROUGHT INTO THE WORLD FOR ONE PURPOSE....NOT TO FIGHT IDIOTS. NONE O YA GOT ANY BRAINS
DeleteFuck the FAMAS Most Hated 210 Puro Tango Orejon
Deleteyes, some whites and latinos here are obviously just scared and racist.
ReplyDeletethis is america and everybody knows white gangs run things so no need to talk shit or be angry.
tangos are tough guys and all but they really arent a "problem gang".
aint never had a problem with no tango and no famas. I stayed solano. held my fuckin nuts when a muthafucker wanted some shit. the only muthafuckers I needed to have my back were my own 2 hands. I didnt need to watch my back. I was too busy watchin my front. fooz these days are too scared of what they don't know. but where is anybody safe from death ? vatos are scared to hold their own and that's how they end up in the gang shit. you don't need to rep no clique to show that youre down. I rep my city and stay stiff on these vatos. I don't follow nobodys rules but my own. hold it down raza.
ReplyDeleteTango blast started out to keep people from joining famas and now it has turned into to what it hates. The old school tango from the 90s know what it is all about but these kids now days are just trying to claim the fame. As for me i found God and nothing can compare, life is good and my prayers are that the homies will see the light. God dont see blast or fama black or white He looks at the heart. Our real families need us to lead in the right direction. Much love and God bless
ReplyDeletePeople from Mexico have there own tango called mexicles, I know, I'm a houstone tango blast member, did 10yrs now I'm out here doing the family life
ReplyDeleteTo everybody on this page it don't matter who you are I been blasting for 11 and half years strong and always will be blasting. But there's a time when your family out here has to come first and slow the Fuck down. Right know it's all about my kids and my family I hope all the homeboys respect that because I am a family man . 16-20-02 all day cap city Austin tx baby
ReplyDeleteI am white went to prison in 2006 first I'd unit Preston e smith lamesa TX tangos had Ts on so's they weren't making it. Next stop conlley unit Kennedy TX same thing putting family's in PC or smashing that ass off the unit . I myself ran solo all threw my time never had a issue with Hispanics or blacks for that matter . My own people were the issue if I say I don't want to join next time its disrespect ill call your bitch ass out win lose or draw . Whites don't run shit in tdcj best bet keep your mouth shut mind ur business and if you get called out put ur hands up fight . You come in alone you leave alone . No disrespect intended call it like I see it ...
ReplyDeleteif im not mistaking the only true natives of the north american continent are Native Americans (Indians), everybody else came from somewhere else... I think that the only ones who should complain about the immigration problems are the Native Americans.
ReplyDeletePuro valluco ...mission...tx...representando a mis homeboys esas palmas terroristas iam in México Tamaulipas border of tx homeboys puro valluco
ReplyDeleteHey junebug????
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteT.a.n.g.o. is perfect the way it is.
ReplyDeleteIt originally meant i am armed
DeleteTango blast is about to be put into segregation because they have became exactly what the famas used to be. They used to protect their own and now they extort, rape, and beat their own kind. They are such a nuisance in TDCJ that the STG department is considering releasing the low-risk families and opening a seg unit just for the tango blast.
ReplyDeleteI recently read the same exact thing in Texas monthly magazine. They are about to put ptb in seg.
DeleteI'm blasting. Been blasting for 17 years now. Got released yesterday from a 19 year sentence. I've read all these lame comments. I'm just going to say, I spoke for the blast a lot and different units. I've seen a lot of homeboys trying and make the blast a blood in blood out thing. Ts and other famas in the rancho technically ain't about shit. Numbers online about us are off. As of 2019 we are over 21000 strong. No fama has no numbers as us. I wish someone out the blast will tell me their blasting and never been down so I can stop that vatos heartbeat. We killed and bled for this stampa. I take this shit serious. I'm USDA TANGO BLAST. Those of y'all who comment talking shit about the blast, y'all funny homos. Y'all online thugs, I'll be glad to give y'all my address and we can catch that paper. PURO TANGO BLAST. TANGO PASSION FOREVER BLASTING
ReplyDeleteHell yeah homeboy the numbers don't lie we can't be stopped why should we put in so much work in locked up and not be in the streets from my 10 years experience now in 2021 TANGO OREJON AND TANGO BLAST are in the street all TANGOS need to unite we have and will continue to run Texas but why not expand to diff states countries even worldwide shit I see homeboys out here reppin claiming hoods fighting tagging getting tattooed out here in the free it's time to expand and take over everything everywhere TANGOS are the smartest and strongest we must all unite and that's just how I feel but I'll forever ride and slide on anyone disrespecting SAN ANTO TANGO OREJON 15 LA OREJA 210 SIEMPRE ARRIBA NUNCA ABAJO 15 POPIN 13 DROPPIN
DeletePuro Solano con huevos de Toro...
ReplyDelete10 years TANGO OREJON we all must unite all TANGOS its time to expand from what I know TANGO OREJON AND BLAST are in the streets I see homeboys reppin out here fighting killing tagging claiming hoods getting tatted why should we put in so much work in county n prison n not represent out here fuck that shit we out here ready for whatever Killin dealin pimpin u name it we needa expand to diff states countries and look out for one another be ready for whatever at anytime and fuck anyone talking down on SAN ANTO TANGO OREJON 15 LA OREJA SIEMPRE ARRIBA NUNCA ABAJO II X when u see a homeboy in the street chunk up the 210 flick your ear look out for each other just like when doing time 15 popin 13 dropin TANGO OREJON
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ReplyDeleteBeen blastin since 19, got a 5 year sentence at 18 year old cuz I messed up a white mf. Only 24, but these other youngins be making Tango Blast look bad. The blasters took care of me while in the Lynaugh and Dominguez unit. We most definitely don't pick up rapists, fuck all you rapists and sex offenders. We most definitely own Texas. So don't say shit about us cuz you butthurt. Puro pinche 956 alv, Valluco 4 life
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Soundcloud Reposts Satın Al
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Soundcloud Takipçi Hilesi
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